I love weekends. After all, who doesn't love time away from work? I love the opportunity to relax and socialize. I don't mind running errands. Hell, I don't even cleaning the house. I know. I'm weird! Most of us have experienced Sunday night blues. After 2 days of fun, the prospect of going back to
Category: Blog
Welcome to Sonia’s hungry heart! This blog is where I share my thoughts on life, fitness, travel and whatever else strikes my imagination.
Writing is a favourite pastime for me. I find it relaxing and meditative to write. I hope you enjoy reading my assorted musings.
Letter to my 40 year old self
Have you ever wanted to write a letter to your younger self? What advice would you give yourself? I’ve thought about this lately. I recently had a birthday, not one of the milestone ones, but something about this birthday made me stop, look back and think “damn, I wish someone had told me some things.”
Remembrance Day – Lest we forget
As a Canadian, Remembrance Day has a special significance. We wear a poppy to honour the veterans who made sacrifices for us during both world wars. Every year, as October ends, we start to see the poppies. Veterans sell poppies at the local malls. When my kids were little, I’d explain why we wore a
A mid-life career change? yes, it’s possible!
September is a time for change. For starting or learning new things, maybe even for a career change. This September was no different in this respect. I spent 3 glorious weeks in France, discovering, visiting and learning new things. At the end of the month, I returned home feeling optimistic that life was about to
Mindfulness and the thief
Are we losing our connection to each other by burying our faces behind our screens? Are we missing our on life because we don’t look up from our phones? Why are so we so attached to our devices? How can we be mindful when we have our face buried in a screen? I’ve been thinking
Busyness: a new social disease?
Has this happened to you? You run into a friend and ask “how are you?” and the answer is “Busy!” often followed by an explanation of just HOW busy he/she is. Why do so many of us answer “busy!” when someone asks us how we are? Are we proud of this state? Is this something
Plant-based eating – the results
For the last several months, I’ve been eating a predominantly plant-based diet. My cholesterol levels had been creeping up and my doctor was threatening meds. I did not want to take medication. The elevated cholesterol levels are my only risk factor for cardiovascular disease. . I wanted to try something new. So, I gave up
New beginnings
What? New beginnings? Is it January already? Nope. For many of us, there are two “beginnings” per calendar year. January is the obvious one. But, September is another month for beginnings: back to school, new routines or activities, and maybe lifestyle changes. As September lurks around the corner, maybe you’ve started to think about taking
Learning patience
I’m not a patient person. When I decide I want something, I want it now. Many times, this is a good thing. Other times, however, this impatience can backfire. In my younger days, I was impulsive and made some decisions that were not always in my best interest. But, life taught me to curb this
Life outside the comfort zone
“Every time you challenge the boundaries of your comfort zone, you're creating a new normal for yourself.” This quote is written on a stone, beautifully painted and inscribed by my dear friend Bonnie. I keep this stone on my desk so I can see if as I write. In the last few years, I’ve made