What a year! This year has had it all: lots of great times, but also some sad things. I’ve been on a deferred leave from work since July and it’s been simply wonderful. I’ve re-learned how to relax and it’s been a revelation! It turns out that I didn’t forget how to relax. There’s something to be said for quiet reflection. Earlier this year, when I knew I’d be off work for several months, I decided to start a blog. I’d never done a blog and had no idea where to begin. So, I set out to learn. I’m still at it! This is a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.
The non-negotiables
I wanted my time off to be meaningful. I didn’t want to just goof off. I wanted meaningful time off. And I think I’ve succeeded. Not only have I managed to do chores that were way overdue (years overdue, in fact), I’ve also spent time reading, thinking, meditating, and catching up with friends. This has been very helpful. I didn’t have the time to do these things while I was going non-stop. I was exhausted; actually, I was close to burnout. I needed time to reflect. I’m at a stage in my life where I want to change things. Lots of things. I’ve had months to think. Things will start to change next year. No doubt about that. It’s time.

I’ve promised myself that I will not get burned out again. Work/life balance will become a non-negotiable, just like I made fitness a non-negotiable. I will continue to take care of myself as I have been for the last 8 years. Learning new things will continue be a priority.
A new adventure
In addition to blogging, I’m also learning is how to create cooking videos. I’ve gotten together with two friends, Zeina and Louise, and together we’ve created the Lofty Chefs cooking videos. Our name is inspired by Le Fitness Loft where we met and became friends. All three of us love cooking and eating. So, creating videos seemed like a natural thing to do. Zeina is a dietitian and she guides us as we create our dishes. We are complete newbies at this, but we have a lot of fun. And hopefully, we’ll get better as we go along. Right now, we have more blooper videos
than actual videos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp88g3shMqBWBSVnyZ1FKXQ
Spending a week walking alone, on the Camino, made me appreciate that I don’t need a lot to be happy. At some point during my walk I stopped in my tracks, and realized that I didn’t remember the last time I felt that peaceful or happy. Although I had many blisters and I was tired, I felt at peace with living out of a backpack. Yes, I had a bank card where I could access money for food and lodging, and I had a cozy life back home. But, I was not living a life of luxury in any way. Since my return, I’ve reevaluated my relationship with things and I realize that I don’t want more things. As a matter of fact, I want fewer things. I’ve started to declutter my house. I’ve donated many boxes to a charitable organization. Let someone else enjoy the clothing and household items.
There will be other changes as well. But, for now, this is a good start. I wish you all a healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2017.
Thank you for bringing us all along this new journey!
The journey continues 🙂
Enjoyed reading all your posts. Brave of you to go on such an adventure! May 2017 be another year of firsts and taking care of yourself above all.
Thank you Sandra. This experience has changed me. And a big part of that change is taking care of me. More adventures to come! 🙂