This blog post is the first of a series. I was inspired to try something new with the blog.
Last week, as I sat down to enjoy my weekend paper, I read an article that mentioned writing a letter to our pre-pandemic selves. What a terrific idea! Instead of writing down only my thoughts, I thought it would be so much more interesting to get a variety of responses. So, I reached out to friends and family and asked them if they would be willing to share some thoughts. What would they tell their pre-pandemic selves? What words of wisdom or advice would they give to their pre-pandemic selves? I expected a few sentences which I’d assemble into a blog post. Instead, I’ve been blown away by the beautiful and generous contributions I’ve received. And so, I’m going to do something new. Over the next few weeks, I will post my friends’ and family’s contributions to the blog. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have.
First up, my amazing friend Louise.
Louise is a dear friend. When people meet us, they often think we are sisters. Yes. A sister from another mother. Louise is kind, funny, spunky, and smart. There is never a dull moment with this amazing woman. Here is Louise’s letter to herself.

Dear Louise,
Cherish and appreciate every little thing and person in your life who matters, more than ever before, because you had a great life and guess what; you STILL have a great life! Yes, you do! You are EXTREMELY fortunate; so keep reminding yourself of that undeniable fact. Be grateful. You’re still surrounded by wonderful and loving husband, family and friends. Your family is healthy. Your mother at 88 is adapting and in good health.
You live in an amazing country where the powers that be are doing the best they can to get you through this and support people. You thought this was just for a few months and you rode that wave as best as you could but in fear. Keep riding the wave, but no longer in fear. It’s such a crippling emotion. Yes, life as we know it is different and will continue to be different for a long while, maybe forever. It does not mean it’s all bad. Don’t live in the fear of catching the virus and passing it on unknowingly. Don’t live in the fear that this will never end. It will get under control. It will!
So many brilliant minds and caring human beings are working day and night to give us hope. So, I’m hopeful. Continue smiling big behind that mask with crinkled eyes to every person who is making your life possible, because you know what? They CAN see you smiling and they appreciate it. Every little act of kindness is worthwhile. Be grateful you can connect with family and friends through social media; it does not replace loving hugs and kisses but you can see them smile and laugh. The most important thing to remind yourself; it’s ok to feel down at times because it IS hard. You’re not the only one to feel this way. Keep smiling through your mask, be kind, have empathy, make plans, create new memories and be hopeful. Hope is good.