This is the year when I finally will overcome my fear of deep water and learn to swim. I love water but I’m terrified of deep water. To me, there is no better way to unwind and chill than watching a body of water. But, as soon as I get in, I start to tense up and my fear kicks in. Over the years, I have taken a variety of swimming lessons. Friends have also tried teaching me how to swim. I did learn a few things, but the fear of deep water persisted. When I wear a life jacket, I do feel safe on the water.
Where it all started
When I was young, my family lived in Portugal, about 50 km away from Nazaré. If you’re unfamiliar with Nazaré, it’s where the world’s highest waves are found. It’s also where the world’s largest wave was surfed. I can’t watch that video without getting nauseous. Not surprisingly, the undercurrent is brutal in Nazaré. When I was very young, my mom would take us to the beach and as we walked along the surf, she’d hold my wrist very tight and say “don’t get close. You will drown.” As we walked along, we could feel the undertow. One time, we were dragged into the waves and were promptly thrown to the shore, face down, terrified, but alive. That experience is still etched in my memory. I know that she meant well, but man, she instilled in me a huge fear of deep water.
Over the years, I’ve spent countless hours watching others enjoying themselves on the water. When I had kids, I enrolled them in swimming lessons. All three kids ended up doing competitive swimming. I’d cheer loudly from the sidelines, and every so often, I’d enrol in swimming lessons. Very slowly, I became more comfortable in the water. Getting my face in the water was a big step.
Practice, practice
In 2021-22, I spent a lot more time around water since I now had easy access to a lake at our new cottage. Luckily, the water by the dock is not deep. Knowing this made it easy to dip my toes in and start exploring the lay of the lake. My goal was simple: don a life jacket, get in the water and enjoy the feeling of being in the water. As long as I knew that I could touch the bottom, I knew that I wouldn’t panic. So, I made a point of becoming familiar with the layout of the lake near the dock. When I became more comfortable spending time in the water, I would sometimes switch the life jacket for a noodle. I practiced relaxing my body and floating. And for the first time, I started to feel comfortable in the water. Maybe I could learn to swim, after all! I bought myself a kayak so I could spend as much time on the water as possible. Putting on a life jacket and going out for a paddle became my favourite thing to do.
Making a plan
Sometimes, the universe nudges us. Such was the case in September. My kids threw me an incredible surprise party at the lake. My generous friends and colleagues gave me an unexpected gift: a paddleboard. Ah, wait. I can’t possibly use one of those if I don’t know how to swim! What if I fall off? Even wearing a life jacket, I’d be nervous. As I opened the box, I said, “this is amazing, but guys, I can’t swim!!”. And the reply was, “it’s time you learn to swim!”.

I started to plan my swimming lessons. I signed up for group classes at the local pool. but, based on my previous experiences, I knew that those lessons would not be enough. After speaking with Kim, a swimming teacher recommended by my kids, I signed up for private lessons at the Montreal Institute of Swimming. I did two lessons before the year’s end and signed up for 10 more. With just 2 lessons, I gained new confidence. What a great feeling! I was pleasantly surprised to receive a report card of my first two lessons.

This summer, Kim will come to the lake and give me lessons here. I want to be comfortable swimming in the lake, which I know is different from swimming in a clear pool. My dream is to swim over to a rock about 100 meters from our dock. I can’t wait!
Well done you! Sonia you are going to master the swimming! 🤗
Thank you, Maria! I’m certainly going to give it my best effort to learn 😊
[…] year ago, I told myself that my personal goal for 2023 was to learn how to swim. At the beginning of the year, I was terrified of deep water. I could float as long as I could […]