The race that nearly didn’t happen
I ran my 23rd RX1 race. 23 races done! And to think that I nearly didn’t run this particular race.
Way back when I started doing these races, the race name was different, but the objective was the same: to step outside my comfort zone and see what I was capable of doing. Little did I know that the races would become a part of my regular fitness routine. For every race, I train, run/do the race, and see if I’ve reached my goals or if I need to readjust things. I only quit one race so far. Today, I nearly bailed before even starting.
It was a cold, rainy, windy and miserable day. As a matter of fact, spring has been very stingy this year. We’ve had many unseasonably cold days. The thermometer said 5 degrees, but it felt like zero. It actually hurt to spend time outside. And I was supposed to race in these conditions? I talked to those who had already finished their race and the horror stories started. It’s very muddy and slippery. The sled push is brutal! There were 2 injuries, one of which required a trip to the emergency room. Doubt started to creep in. Then, the negative voice piped up “you don’t need to run today. It’s too cold. What if you fall and twist your ankle? What if you get injured? It’s not worth it. Just walk away from it.”
Damn that negative voice
You know what? I very nearly did just that. Although I had trained very hard and was physically ready for the race, my self-doubt started to overtake my rational thoughts. I don’t want to get injured. Well, duh… who does? It’s freezing. What if I get hypothermia? Twist an ankle? Fall and hit my head? What if…. My mind was made up. I wasn’t going to do the race. I found Mathieu and told him my decision. His answer? “no. You are going to start the race! You’ve recruited a bunch of athletes and encouraged them to be here. They are looking at you. If you can’t finish the race, that’s fine. But you will start.” And he was right. Of course, he was. He’s seldom wrong about these things.
GoodFITT Lofters
Over the past year and a half, I’ve been a woman on a mission! I want to encourage others to try these races. I want my gym buddies to see what they’re capable of, and to enjoy the rewards of getting fit. Along with the awesome Kareem Rawlings, we’ve put together a GoodFITT Lofters team to participate in the races. Our team is comprised of hard working, fun loving folks who want to push the fitness envelope and try things outside their comfort zone.
In our inaugural season, we placed second place overall in the amateur category!! Go, Team!! So, yes, I definitely wanted to do the right thing for my teammates. Thanks for the pep talk, Mat.
My race, my pace
Once I started the race, I got in my little zen zone. For the past couple of years, when I run/race I keep this motto in my head: my race, my pace. I paced myself. I did not give up. Yes, I got muddy. No, there were no injuries. And running, actually running, across that finish line was the best feeling! I’m so glad I did the race.

Next up: Ottawa Race weekend
The Ottawa race weekend in 5 weeks. Five short weeks! I have no idea where the time went. It seemed like only yesterday, I was signing up, and here are 35 days away from race day. This year, I’ll be running the 10k since my body was not happy with me running a half marathon. I’m having a blast training for the 10k and I’m so happy that my running has improved so much. Onward and forward!