walking up steps

The life changing magic of going for a walk

Have you heard? Walking is the easiest and most effective way to make us feel better and ward off a slew of unwanted health issues. Walking is also accessible to most people and it’s free. Nearly 20 years ago, I discovered the life changing magic of walking when I started going for walks in the evening as a way to cope with ever increasing stress: raising 3 teens, taking care of my dad who had dementia, in addition to dealing with a toxic boss, and other life issues. When I returned from my walks I always felt better. I also slept better. I treasure and protect my sleep. 

A change in routine

At the start of the pandemic, when the world shut down, the only exercise I could do was walk and so I walked. A lot. I loved watching the seasons change, the birds sing, the clouds move across the water. Going out for daily walks brought me a lot of peace during a scary time. 

Over the last two years, I am walking a lot less than before, and I am now paying the price. My joints hurt, I feel blah, and my sleep quality has suffered. What happened? Until 2 years ago my little dog was my favourite walking buddy. She was a champion fast walker, despite needing to stop and sniff every damn thing! But, that’s no longer the case. She is now a senior with arthritis and various other geriatric ailments. Walking her means very slowly shuffling and stopping every few feet. It’s heartbreaking to think how much she has declined. As a result, my walks are not really walks, but rather “shuffles” where I slowly putter along as she sniffs everything in her path. 

Time to get back to walking

It took a sweet dog to remind me how much I love, and miss taking long walks. Last month, I dog-sat one of my grand pups, Cashew. She is a sweet, gentle, albeit very anxious, pup. One of the best ways to help lower her anxiety is to go for long walks. Three times a day, we’d head out for a walk. As soon as I started walking her, I felt overall better. I had more energy, my mood was lighter and happier, the usual irritants didn’t irritate me as much.

dog walking on sidewalk

So, I am going back to my daily walks. You should too. Why?

The life changing magic of going for a walk

Going for a brisk walk can make us feel better in a myriad of ways: 

  • We’re physically tired so we tend to sleep better,
  • We have more energy,
  • Getting fresh air boosts our mood,
  • We disconnect from the ever-present screens,
  • It improves our cardiovascular health,
  • It lowers blood pressure,
  • It helps decrease joint pain

How fast?

Ideally, you’re walking as though you’re late for an appointment. You want to get your heart rate up. 

How long?

It doesn’t take long. A 30 minute daily walk, at a brisk pace, is all it takes for you to reap the benefits of walking. Does 30 minutes sound like a lot? It’s only 2% of your day. Are you willing to invest 2% of your day on YOU?

In my experience, going for a walk has never made a problem worse. As I walk and take in my surroundings, I can feel my stress levels dip. My racing mind slows. My breathing becomes deeper. Walking also gives me clarity when I’m struggling with life issues. And the result is that I feel so good. I sleep better, feel calmer, and I don’t let crappy situations get to me as much. 

Time to lace up my shoes and experience the life changing magic of going for a walk. Happy walking!





  1. Couldn’t agree more! Walking heals your body and your mind!

  2. Thanks for the reminder. I especially enjoy walking in the woods or by the water!

    1. Those my favourite places to walk as well.

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