What would I tell my pre-pandemic self? If I had to narrow it down to a couple of things, it would be: trust that the universe is unfolding as it should, and you have the tools and skills to deal with whatever 2020 throws at you.
Dear Sonia
Fasten your seat belt, 2020 is going to be a wild ride! Right now it’s February. You just spent a week on the beach. You’re physically and mentally drained, and exasperated with life in general. Work is not going well. Your insomnia is bad. The week on the beach will rejuvenate you. Imprint those beach memories in your brain. These memories will be a balm on your soul in the months ahead.

When you boarded the flight, a family with 4 very young kids seated themselves in front of you. The mom started to disinfect the trays and armrests. You thought, what a great idea! Little did you know that disinfection will be one of the main stories of 2020: disinfect EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME!!
Why the sudden preoccupation with disinfection? The world is about to experience a pandemic. For years you’ve read articles saying that the world is overdue for a pandemic like the Spanish flu. You read these articles with interest and asked yourself, how bad would it be, really? As a society, we’ve advanced in 100 years. We have better science, medicine, cleanliness, etc. Oh, boy, are you ever wrong about this.
March 11th is the last normal day of 2020. You will spend the afternoon working downtown and you’ll take in the beautiful skyline of Montreal as you stand in the Old Port. A lady will compliment you on your purse. You’ll exchange pleasantries and remember these weird details if for no other reason than the fact that they quickly become a distant memory of “normal”.
On March 13, the provincial government announces a lockdown. Everything but essential businesses will be shut. You, along with millions of others, will work from home. You will be one of the lucky ones who does not lose her job. By the end of the month, you will start wearing a mask whenever you go out. Not that there’s anywhere to go until things start to reopen in late spring. Working from home will be the new normal, and won’t go back into the office until early May, at which point your boss will decree that everyone on the team must go into the office one day a week.

You don’t see the reason for doing so, but the decision is out of your hands. You hole yourself up in your office and stay there until it’s time to leave. After all, why expose yourself to the virus? No one but you is wearing a mask indoors since the government has not yet made it mandatory. As the weeks pass you will question why the government is not making it mandatory to wear a mask. They eventually do just that. They do so in July, months after other jurisdictions mandate the wearing of masks. You will also realize that wisdom is in short supply, locally and globally. You will observe that many people are selfish assholes. Nothing new there.
So, what do you need to know going into this crazy year?
- Start to meditate now! Get in the practice of sitting still with your breath. Sounds hard, right? Well, it’s easier than you think. You will learn that, just like you train your body, you can also train your mind. Taking up a meditation practice will be the best decision you make this year.
- Set up a home gym. Buy a spinning bike! You won’t be able to find any gym equipment when you need it most. Exercise, along with meditation, will become part of your daily therapy.
- The year will include some wonderful exercise highlights:
- The hubby will suggest that you start training together. You will both love your weekly training sessions.
- You’ll run some virtual races, including your 3rd half marathon.
- Go out and buy a TON of cotton, elastic and thread! Why? you’re about to get busy and creative with your wonderful daughter. Together, you will create a micro-business and sell face masks. You will be overwhelmed and humbled by the response.
- “Human beings can be such assholes” This will be your cri de coeur this year. Living through a pandemic will bring out people’s true colours. Awesome people will be even more awesome. The assholes will take assholeness to a whole new level.
- Don’t forget The Four Agreements:
- Be Impeccable With Your Word.
- Don’t Take Anything Personally.
- Don’t Make Assumptions.
- Always Do Your Best.
- Don’t let the American presidential campaign get to you. All will work out.
- Wear your damn crampons EVERY single time you walk on snow! The one time you don’t do this, you will fall and break your wrist. But, all is not bad. It’s your left wrist. You don’t hit your head. Your hubby will take great care of you. You will have no choice but to take it easy. Try to enjoy it, even if you feel like a burden. You’ve done more than your fair share over the years.
- Work will be a lot better by year’s end.
Trust and accept
- Chaos and change are the only constants. Accept this truth.
- The biggest change, wrapped in chaos, is that your DD gets married overseas. You cannot attend the ceremony because of COVID. Yet, you will find a way to celebrate the happy occasion and have a joyous day with your loved ones.
- As usual, life will throw you obstacles. Trust that you will overcome these.
- Trust your gut.
- Nothing lasts forever. Not the good times, and not the bad ones either.
- Trust that the universe is unfolding as it should.
You’re a brilliant writer my friend and the videos are hilarious! Have you watched their ones on Canada/US?
Thank you for your kind words and for your contribution to my project, my friend. I have not seen the Canada/US videos. I’ll look them up. 🙂